To live a purposeful life is to trust in your path. These two seemingly simple words have been very difficult to accomplish.

What is your purpose in life? Have you decided the mundane tasks of daily life is your purpose? Is just providing for your family enough?

Jenny Horak Smearman
2 min readOct 3, 2020

We make new years resolutions every year and within 3 months we have stopped trying to complete them, but why?

Trust- walking in the dark, the unknown, what we cannot physically touch or feel. So why would we want to take on a task with the possibility of getting hurt?

In All things we tend to think negatively of the unknown. We create the fear in our minds so deep it becomes the reality, so we can state, Yes! That thing did hurt me.

But what if we said, Yes! this will not hurt me, yes! I will believe In All things good for “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. “Romans 8:28.

This was taught to me in a very profound way today. I am a better person now for having had this opportunity as I had known of this message, but i had not fully enveloped it within my soul, as my purpose.

Now this does not mean to sit back and GOD will provide for me, but more so i need to walk in this world, through all its strife’s and wonders head held high, determination within my feet and trust in my heart. For as in my journey i will always have my ally, my friend, my partner right there with me, to hold out a hand when i fall, or to praise me when i prevailed.

I have been called upon from GOD, to spread his message, to provide hope to those that are in need and to shelter and protect those that cannot with my armor. For IN ALL things i will trust in the good.



Jenny Horak Smearman

Strength through Struggle, Life Coach, purposeful journey